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Today featured visiting two of Vienna’s art galleries - the Albertina and the Albertina Modern.

Art has always been a struggle for me. My brain doesn’t understand metaphor that well (although I am good at analogies!). I failed high school English and my first choice university didn’t accept me as a result. I suspect it’s a neurodiversity thing.

When I look at art, the things that tickle my brain are colour combinations, technique, and detail.

The Albertina had an exhibition on Roy Liechenstein, who I had not necessarily paid very close attention to until now, but his style of pop art certainly did tickle my brain. Except when he worked his way into cubism, which isn’t really my jam.

The exhibition by Eva Beresin only tickled my brain when I learned that she had created the sculptures by creating a miniature in clay. The miniature was then scanned, 3D printed much larger and painted.

I really enjoyed the photos by Gregory Crewdson and the detail he put into all of his photos.

There is also a permanent exhibition featuring many of the impressionists - who I’ve come to appreciate over the years.

The Albertina modern had a lot of dicks.

Finally, the delight of the day came in the form of lunch. My favourite thing to eat in Europe are chanterelle mushrooms, which are seasonal summer mushrooms available everywhere in Germany in July/August.

I thought we were here too early for chanterelles this trip, but it turns out they have a different name in Austria! I’m used to looking out for Pfifferlinge on menus, but in Austria they seem to be called Eierschwammerl.

So I had some pork in chanterelle sauce with some Bandnudeln - think home made pasta reminiscient of tagliatelle.