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Blagging from a traaain

1 minute read

One of my favourite means of travel is by train. This is unfortunate because I don’t live in a city (or even country) that is redolent with train travel. It’...

And that’s a wrap!

1 minute read

Done! PIDfest 2024 is finished. A year of preparation, stress, and organising has paid off with many people telling me how much they enjoyed it. Several peop...

Prague by night

less than 1 minute read

I’m certainly not good at this daily blogging! Daily blagging is much easier. I’m writing on a Saturday but pretending that it’s still Thursday the day after...

When disaster strikes

less than 1 minute read

When you’re travelling and can’t take all your family members with you, you worry for the wellbeing of those you leave behind.

My kingdom for a coffee

less than 1 minute read

It’s 6:51 and I’m in my hotel room. I woke up about an hour ago and have spent much of the past hour trying to work out where I can get a coffee.