1 minute read

This trip has been a little unlike our usual style.

We prefer a slower pace of travel - spending at least a week or so in a particular city or town, enjoying the local area but also taking day trips to nearby interesting sites.

Due to the contraints imposed by tacking a personal trip onto a work trip, we’re spending 4 nights in Salzburg and 4 nights in Vienna, which gives us only three full days in each of the cities.

I was toying with the idea of popping over to Germany (the German border is a 5km walk from our Salzburg accomodation), but instead we chose to spend the day doing a “Stadtbummel” - wandering around the city.

We started by walking up the Mönchberg, a hill between our accommodation and the old town. There were some lovely views which, of course, I failed to get any photos of.

So here’s a photo of my dinner, some Kasnocken (if I were in Germany I would call them Käsespätzle).


It’s the second time I’ve ordered these so far. The first were from restaurant Bärenwirt, which has a delightful terrace. These ones were from the nearest Gasthaus to our accommodation.

Please don’t tell the lovely folks from Gasthaus zur Einkehr, but the Kasnocken from Bärenwirt were more delicious. I think that they might have used a more mature cheese with a stronger flavour.