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The most wonderful time of the year

1 minute read

It’s the end of Australia’s financial year. Tomorrow, many Australians will be receiving the so-called “Stage 3” income tax cuts, and I get to get started on...

This old house

1 minute read

Spend any time with me and I’ll chew your ear off about the nearly 100 year old house I bought last year. It’s in an amazing location, walking distance from ...

Not doing a thing

less than 1 minute read

Last night I slept twelve uninterrupted hours and today I played videogames all day.

Best sleep in ages

less than 1 minute read

I managed to sleep ten hours, which I haven’t done in a long time. It was broken sleep as the doggo was out of sorts and spent a lot of the night pacing - ou...


less than 1 minute read

Yeah okay so next time I go to Europe I’m going to try one of these direct flights. I want to go to Italy so maybe Perth to Rome? It’s a mind-numbing 16 hour...


less than 1 minute read

Flew from Prague to Doha today. My plan was to try and sleep through the whole flight in an attempt to pre-empt jetlag. I took some melatonin when I got to t...

Homeward bound

less than 1 minute read

Starting the long journey home today. Due to the dual business/personal nature of this trip, we need to head back to Prague to fly out for home. Thankfully i...

No parkrun

less than 1 minute read

I’m sitting in my hotel room, dressed to go to parkrun. I like to be a parkrun tourist when I’m travelling internationally - it often gives me a chance to se...


1 minute read

Today featured visiting two of Vienna’s art galleries - the Albertina and the Albertina Modern.

Another thirty two thousand

less than 1 minute read

Our first day in Vienna marked another thirty two thousand steps (give or take a hundred). I had already made a lunch reservation at Fieglmüller (who claim t...

Traaaaain (redux)

less than 1 minute read

Today was a transit day - Salzburg to Vienna on train (of course). The train arrived late at Salzburg, so we left 20 minutes late. Then there was a switch fa...


1 minute read

This trip has been a little unlike our usual style.

These stupendous hills

less than 1 minute read

One of my goals for our trip to Austria was to get to the top of a mountain and have a beer. Today I achieved that goal.

Blagging from a traaain

1 minute read

One of my favourite means of travel is by train. This is unfortunate because I don’t live in a city (or even country) that is redolent with train travel. It’...

And that’s a wrap!

1 minute read

Done! PIDfest 2024 is finished. A year of preparation, stress, and organising has paid off with many people telling me how much they enjoyed it. Several peop...

Prague by night

less than 1 minute read

I’m certainly not good at this daily blogging! Daily blagging is much easier. I’m writing on a Saturday but pretending that it’s still Thursday the day after...

When disaster strikes

less than 1 minute read

When you’re travelling and can’t take all your family members with you, you worry for the wellbeing of those you leave behind.

My kingdom for a coffee

less than 1 minute read

It’s 6:51 and I’m in my hotel room. I woke up about an hour ago and have spent much of the past hour trying to work out where I can get a coffee.

Examples of architecture

less than 1 minute read

Someone told me that the reason why Prague is so beautiful is because it was never bombed during the second World War, so many examples of old architecture s...

Death by tourism

less than 1 minute read

Prague is a lovely and beautiful city. Shame about all the tourists.


less than 1 minute read

Now with the power of a laptop, I bring you photos!


less than 1 minute read

As promised, I’m on a trip - I’m privileged to be the co-chair of a conference taking place in Prague next week.

Jekyll on the go

less than 1 minute read

This website is generated using a system called Jekyll, which takes HTML templates and Markdown content files to create a static website. No fancy gimmicks -...

Endless upgrades

2 minute read

I’m a little irritated at companies that hide software features behind hardware.

Dusting off the passport

less than 1 minute read

In two days I’m flying out with my partner to another country, for the first time since 2018. I’ll be at a conference for a week, but thankfully I get to spe...

If you fail to plan

less than 1 minute read

I’m not great at planning and organising. I rely heavily on automated systems to help me get through my day. I’m not good at keeping fish alive, but my dog i...

False start

less than 1 minute read

Several people I know have, for many years, blogged every day of June.

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Homeward bound

less than 1 minute read

Starting the long journey home today. Due to the dual business/personal nature of this trip, we need to head back to Prague to fly out for home. Thankfully i...

No parkrun

less than 1 minute read

I’m sitting in my hotel room, dressed to go to parkrun. I like to be a parkrun tourist when I’m travelling internationally - it often gives me a chance to se...


1 minute read

Today featured visiting two of Vienna’s art galleries - the Albertina and the Albertina Modern.

Another thirty two thousand

less than 1 minute read

Our first day in Vienna marked another thirty two thousand steps (give or take a hundred). I had already made a lunch reservation at Fieglmüller (who claim t...

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1 minute read

This trip has been a little unlike our usual style.

These stupendous hills

less than 1 minute read

One of my goals for our trip to Austria was to get to the top of a mountain and have a beer. Today I achieved that goal.

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Contributing to science!

less than 1 minute read

I used to be in the habit of uploading my “good” shots to Flickr. Where possible, I’d include the Latin scientific name. I also slap on an open and permissiv...

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Contributing to science!

less than 1 minute read

I used to be in the habit of uploading my “good” shots to Flickr. Where possible, I’d include the Latin scientific name. I also slap on an open and permissiv...

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Default Raspberry Pi OS password deprecated

less than 1 minute read

I just felt like I was beating my head against a brick wall for the past thirty minutes. I wanted to set up a headless Raspberry Pi with a fresh Raspberry Pi...

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less than 1 minute read

Flew from Prague to Doha today. My plan was to try and sleep through the whole flight in an attempt to pre-empt jetlag. I took some melatonin when I got to t...

Homeward bound

less than 1 minute read

Starting the long journey home today. Due to the dual business/personal nature of this trip, we need to head back to Prague to fly out for home. Thankfully i...

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